Friends of the Forestburg Fire Department hosted a barbecue for the Flagstaff Fresh Market on June 15.
During the July 13 council meeting, Friends of the Forestburg Fire Department requested a grant of $1,331.06 to cover the expenses of the Fresh Market BBQ.
“Someone goes out and has a fundraiser, and we are not approached and then after fundraisers we are approached to pay the bills,” said Mayor Blaise Young. “It just seems a little peculiar here.”
Council agreed that it seemed backward to request a grant to cover the expenses after the event had already occurred; however, Chief Administrative Officer Dwight Dibbens explained the timing for the event did not coincide with council meetings.
After the second meeting in May, Friends of the Forestburg Fire Department were not told to have their request ready for the only June meeting as the second scheduled meeting was on the same day as the barbecue.
“So this is really the first opportunity councils’ had to see the request,” Dibbens said.
The Village of Forestburg has set aside at most, $5,000 yearly for Forestburg Recreation, Arts and Culture grants. The maximum grant available to one group is $1,000.
Council agreed they would cover $1,000 of the $1,331.06 that the Friends of the Forestburg Fire Department requested.
Jessica Campbell
ECA Review