Frozen education

The bus lane in front of Hughenden Public School was vacant for two and a half school days during a cold snap in December. ECA Review/Submitted
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Hughenden Public School

Extreme cold caused many students at Hughenden Public School to miss several days of school.

“The cold was a safety hazard, vehicles won’t start and people can freeze,” said one student.

The buses weren’t running due to severely low temperatures. This call to shut down the buses was made by the school board. Bus drivers monitor weather conditions and report to the board. Buffalo Trail Public Schools (BTPS) policy is to stop buses from running when the temperature reaches -40C with or without the windchill.

On Thurs. Dec. 11, there were approximately 50 students in attendance at Hughenden Public School. On Dec. 12 the numbers were the same with Grade 6 having the most students. On the final day of the cold snap there were over 100 students in attendance.

During the days with very few students, “We had school-wide dodgeball and volleyball which promoted mental health,” said teacher Kendra Hanson.”

The dangerously cold weather put learning on hold in some courses and gave students a chance to catch up and relax for a few days.

by Emily Carson and Kayden Horn

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