Dear Editor,
I tend to believe as a lifer Conservative, living in Alberta that we can get elected once again but it will need the party to make a huge effort to join together as one.
This means that a victory is as important, not only to them, but to the Conservative faithful members and Alberta taxpayers.
This means putting aside “egos”, respecting all aspects of the party and be willing to unite.
Fragmented parties under three or four different names just won’t wash.
If they want a victory every policy has to be laid out and form a strong mandate for a successful election campaign.
Instead of laying blame on one leader, let’s show some backbone and forget the criticism in an unbelievable COVID fiasco.
None of the politicians, public health or the media know or really understand this whole mess.
Makes for great fear, hypocrisy and meddles with human rights, not to mention the damage already done.
We live in an amazing province but until we’re prepared to promote and fight to make it a better and stronger province with good western government, we will lose out!
Gayle Smigg
Hanna, Ab.