Former student takes time to share medical education knowledge

Innisfree, Alta. student Tyson Rudolf chatted with Dr. Cheyanne Vetter virtually about the medical field and the education needed to excel. ECA Review/Submitted
Written by ECA Review

Innisfree, Alta. student Tyson Rudolf chatted with Dr. Cheyanne Vetter virtually about the medical field and the education needed to excel. ECA Review/Submitted

At the beginning of February, former Hughenden Public School (HPS) student, now Dr. Cheyanne Vetter, was kind enough to give up some of her busy day to share her medical educational journey with Innisfree student, Tyson Rudolf.

Innisfree and HPS have a close relationship through video-conferencing high school chemistry.

Teacher Ms. Reynolds arranged the meet-and-greet across Google Meet and a strong mentor relationship has now been initiated for Tyson.

Dr. Vetter shared highlights of her experiences getting her physiology and pharmacology degree before she entered med school.

Tyson learned tips and tricks about planning for the courses to take to enhance his opportunity of getting an interview to qualify for a spot in highly sought after medical programs.

Cheyanne strongly emphasized that one’s career is just ONE part of your life and shared her belief in the importance of maintaining extra-curricular interests.

Broad life experiences enhance one’s attributes to be successful in the program.

Currently, Dr. Vetter practices in Wainwright, Alta. with a focus in obstetrics and surgery.

Tyson is excited to have been given an invite to job shadow when it works for both individuals’ calendars.



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