The Forestburg Curling Club at a January meeting approved a new ice plant to replace our old system. During this meeting our plant self-destructed.
After consulting with Keith’s Refrigeration, an attempted repair was made but final results proved too costly.
It was decided to attempt to run a natural ice facility but the fluctuating weather makes it very difficult to operate. The ice technician is still able to maintain the ice but no guarantees, weather permitting.
The Senior Daytime League made up of 12 teams under guidance of Ken Bullock approached Paul Allers and Wayne Thompson of the Strome Curling Club, to move this league to Strome’s two-sheet artificial ice facility.
After a month of curling in Strome, the league hosted a successful Sturling curling bonspiel with 16 teams.
Sturling curling was developed so that people could play even if they couldn’t manage the slide delivery and/or weren’t fond of chasing rocks up and down the ice trying to effectively sweep them.
The bonspiel results were:
First event: winner Trevor Jones who had curler Coreen Jones Friday and Bob Burton Saturday.
Second event: Cynthia Sibley and Al Tustin.
Third event: Ken Bullock who had curler Basil Nichols Friday and Shawn Badry on Saturday; Fourth event: Eric Klien and Ken LaFontasie.
Before and during the bonspiel, Don Getzalf displayed some of his antique curling rock collection. On display were curling rocks dating back to the 1700’s and also a knitted sweater donated by Laurie McLynk belonging to Rev. Ernest Burgess Brundage who was elected to the Camrose Sports Hall of Fame 1969.
by Ken Bullock