Flexible seating for Hanna and Veteran schools approved

At the May 22 Board meeting, students from Veteran School presented through video conferencing, a request of funding for a variety of flexible seating options for Veteran School.
Students from J.C. Charyk Hanna School also made a request for funds to help create learning areas that would provide unique spaces that will assist with focus and attention.
As per the June 2017 motion, $1,000 will be provided to both the Veteran and J.C. Charyk Hanna Schools for the purchase of flexible seating.

Operating and Capital Budget
At the May 22 meeting, the Board moved to approve the 2018-2019 operating and capital budget.
The finalized 2018-2019 operating budget is presented with an estimated operating deficit of $416,000; and a draw on capital reserves for the purchase of items in the amount of $582,000.
A decrease in estimated funding for the upcoming year of $700,000, relating primarily to enrolment decline, will result in reductions to all areas of the operating budget.
The operating budget includes an overall reduction in salaries and benefits of $289,000 as compared to the 2017-2018 fall-updated budget.
This includes a net reduction of 7.52 full-time employees totaling $545,000 and increment/staffing mix/collective agreement increases of $256,000.
Within the other expenses, categories reductions will total $483,000 coming from all areas; schools and departments.
Schools plan to spend $132,000 of their school-assigned reserves while the general instructional reserve will use $239,000 in order to fund current staffing levels.
Plant Operations will draw $45,000 of surplus that occurred in the 2017-18 due to a one-time injection of funding relating to school enrolment decline.
Planned capital expenditures that will be funded through capital reserves, accumulated by using depreciation expense dollars.
These include route buses, fleet passenger vehicles (for travel within and outside the school division) and cleaning equipment.


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