An update on the establishment of the Flagstaff Regional Emergency Services Society (FRESS) was presented to council at their regular meeting on Thur. May 6.
A meeting of the Flagstaff Emergency Services Committee was held on April 27 with Coun. Dwayne Giroux and Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) Dwight Dibben attending on behalf of the Village of Forestburg.
This was the first formal committee meeting to be held since Nov. 17, 2020.
Legal advice was provided on the potential start-up of the Flagstaff Regional Emergency Services Society (FRESS) in advance of a signed Master Agreement between all municipalities that will be members of this proposed society.
The newly received legal advice is that the society can be registered and begin operations prior to a Master Agreement, society bylaws and other companion agreements signed by all proposed members.
It was indicated that if all municipal members were to pass a council resolution approving the attached draft resolution, this would allow for the Society to be registered and begin operations.
It was noted the hiring process for the Regional Fire Manager is well underway with interviews to commence shortly.
It was also indicated that references to emergency management are being removed from the Master Agreement and other formal documentation as this element is not being contemplated as a regional service at the same time as the start-up of FRESS.
In order to meet previously agreed-to timing decisions, the committee recommended all municipal councils consider and pass the recommended resolution that would allow the registering of the Flagstaff Regional Emergency Services Society as a federally registered society by June 1, 2021.
Forestburg administration shared they had concerns with some elements of the proposed Master Agreement including the schedules related to asset transfer and financing and funding of the society.
The wording and content of the proposed resolution, however, is consistent with the village’s agreement to enter into a regional fire services agreement with all municipalities within and including Flagstaff County.
Because of this, administration recommended the approval of the proposed resolution establishing the Flagstaff Regional Emergency Services Society which council agreed to.
More work is being done from a legal standpoint to ensure the master agreement is agreeable for all municipalities involved before that separate document is solidified.
Funding implications with the proposed start-up and operations of FRESS for 2021 were contemplated and included in the 2021 Operating Budget passed by council in March.
Golf memorial bench
A request has been received from the Forestburg Golf Club to receive a cheque for $950 from the Community Enhancement Fund.
The funds are designated for a memorial bench.
Council approved the disbursement.
Terri Huxley
ECA Review