First reading of Public Tree Bylaw passed

Hanna town council passed the first reading of the Public Tree bylaw, during a regular council meeting on June 12. The administration will now advertise to provide Hanna residents with the opportunity to provide feedback, and the bylaw will be brought back to council during the July 10 meeting.
“We are trying to retain as many healthy trees in our community as we can,” said Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) Kim Neill.
The bylaw is to regulate the planting, maintenance and removal of trees located on the property of the town. It will also provide residents with an understanding of what is acceptable and the responsibilities of care and maintenance of public trees and the consequences of not following the correct procedure.
When asked about the cost of policing the bylaw CAO Neill ensure council that administration is not increasing its capacity with taking on this bylaw.
“I hope at the end of the day its educational,” said CAO Neill, “and I hope people become cognisant.”
The administration has done much research in regard to the public tree bylaw, and Communities in Bloom judges have recommended that such a bylaw be established. The administration has also prepared a Tree Planting, Maintenance and Protection Manual that supports the bylaw.

Cannabis Land Use Bylaw Amendment
The first reading was passed for the Cannabis Land Use Amendments Bylaw. A public hearing for the bylaw will be held on July 10 to allow residents the opportunity to be heard by council.
The amendments include definitions regarding cannabis, cannabis accessory, cannabis café and cannabis retail sales.
The amendment currently reads that cannabis retail sales and cannabis cafe are listed as discretionary use in the following districts: C-1 Retail Commercial District, CT Commercial Transition District, HWY-C Highway Commercial District, C-2 Commercial Industrial District and I Industrial District.
Cannabis Retail Stores must not be within 300 metres of a school or provincial healthcare facility buildings or boundaries, according to the amendment.
“I encourage people if they have a strong opinion about retail stores, where they are located and where it can be sold to provide feedback to administration,” said CAO Neill, “if they want they certainly have the opportunity at the public hearing to speak directly to council and let them know what their thoughts are.”
This bylaw does not include regulations for public consumption, administration will bring this to council at a later date.

Business Awards Sponsorship
Council has agreed to sponsor the Community Spirit Award, in conjunction with the Hanna and District Chamber of Commerce Fifth Annual Business Awards. The town has sponsored the award since the events inception.
The cost of $300 will be funded from the Council Public Relations and Promotion portion of the 2018 Operating Budget.
Coun. Connie Deadlock shared that there are currently 15 nominees for the Community Spirit Award. The Hanna and District Chamber of Commerce Fifth Annual Business Awards will be held on October 18.

Emily Wheller
ECA Review

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ECA Review

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