First meeting of the new year

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The Golden Prairie 4H club had their first meeting of the new year as a virtual meeting on Jan. 10 due to bad weather. The meeting was called to order with a roll call question of “What did you do over Christmas break?”

The 4H pledge was led by Sasha Weiss and Julia Vincett. There were no additions to the agenda and there was one item of correspondence from the Food Bank saying that they had received the donation from the club.

The secretary, Sasha Weiss, read the minutes from the previous meeting and they were accepted.

The treasurer was not in attendance so our club leader, Caroline Boddy presented the treasurer’s report. The club now has a bank balance of $9,090.73.

As club reporter, Simone Eshpeter, I reported that I had sent the December report to the Community Press and the East Central Review.

Also, the District Representatives reported that the next district meeting is Feb. 7, 2024 at the Lougheed Senior Center at 7 p.m. They also reported that the club will be hosting a district meeting on March 27, 2024.

The new business included recruiting volunteers to work the concession at the Daysland Palace Theatre on Feb.2, 3, and 4, 2024 as well as the plan for the annual Toboggan Party was discussed. A new plan needed to be formed because the weekend that was intended to work turned out to be way too cold for outdoor activities. A vote was taken and it was unanimous that the date needed to be rescheduled for warmer weather.

In old business some participants told of their activities at the Regional 4H Funday that was held on Jan. 6, 2024.

The public speaking workshop and competition were discussed with the workshop date for Jan. 17, 2024 and the competition to be held on Feb. 3, 2024.

Project reports were presented for Busking, Foods, Outdoor Living, Horse, Tractor, Woodworking, 1st and 2nd year Photography, and Creative Options.
The next meeting will be held on Wed. Feb. 14, 2024 at the Forestburg Train Station at 7 p.m.

If you would like more information or would like to see the minutes from the meetings feel free to have a look at the Golden Prairie 4H Club Facebook page.

Submitted by: Simone Eshpeter,  Club Reporter

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