Financial statements approved

Total taxes of  $330,000 budgeted for in 2016 was decreased in the financial statements ending December 31, 2016 , said Jeff Faupel of Endeavor Chartered Accountants, due to an amount owed in taxes written off that has been outstanding for several years, in the amount of $45,684.
Administration expenses therefore is up $18,422 from 2015 and up $35,518 from budget due to the written off portion of taxes now deemed doubtful for collection.
CAO Kulyk clarified that although the $45,684 in taxes in written out of the financial statements, it does not mean the money still isn’t owing on the properties.
The long term debenture has decreased long-term debt down by $69,316 as per regular payments.
User fees and sale of goods down to $907,000 from $930,928 mainly due to water consumption being down.
Operating expenses including amortization 2.76 compared to 2.7, again really close to budget and down $63,415 down from 2015.
Water supply and distribution expense is up $32,611 over 2015 due to the big water main break during the winter.
There was a shortfall of  $290,129 of revenue over expenses in the Statement of Operations that was budgeted to be $192,091 shortfall . In 2015 that shortfall was $310,336.
Goverment transfers, other capital revenues and contributed and donated assets added $192,207  to create a surplus of $10,912,388.
Council had budgeted a $10,981,704 accumulated surplus.  The accumulated surplus in 2015 was $10,720,181.

Salaries, wages and benefits went up $9,278 but was down $32,807 from what was budgeted.
Salary and benefits for council for 2016 included Mayor Standard $7,800, councillor each received $6,000. The CAO salary was $100,786 with $21,816 for benefits and allowaances for a total of $122,602.
Expenses not included in the budget was $15,000 was contributed towards the Recreation Feasibility Study for the Wellness Society and the Arena Board $15,000 forgiven for the purchase of the new zamboni.

Other business
Council granted a time-to-pay for six months for payment of a water bill without penalty when a outside water pipe burst while the resident was away and 103 cubic metres were used compared to the normal amount of four to nine cubic metres per month.
Wellness Spending Accounts Policy R-014 was approved by council with a maximum annual cost of $2,700 for nine permanent full time employees.
Council motioned to insure the water tower for liability only as cost for insurance for replacement value at $1,926,000 premium is $2217.62.
Council agreed if something, such as a tornado, made it necessarty to dismantle the tower the insured value needed to cover those costs.  The majority of the expense of dismantling the tower would be the rental of the crane.
“We don’t intend to dismantle it, said CAO Kulyk.
“If a piece of panelling falls off and hits someone’s car, then we have liablity.”
About $200,000 for dismantling would be a reasonable amount, stated Kulyk after gaining information from other communities who had dismantled their water towers,  but factoring it upwards because a crane is requred, so the insurers said $400,000 would be reasonable.
“We just need to insure it to get it down,” said Coun. Vickey Horkoff, in a motion to insure it for liability only.
Peps has granted $5,000 to each community to have some sort of plaques with a historical photo and a brief history.
There is an app being developed so  way more information could be made accessible on these plaques using the QR codes that you can zap your phone and get more information of each historical sight.
The plagues could be at the building site or in a designated park area with the theme being Coronation’s crown jewels.
An app developed for a ranch in  Osoyoos ranch creates challenges for a person, something  cross between geocaching and Pokemon Go.
You solve one challenge and then the app moves you forward to the next challenge thoughout the ranch.
“Probably get more bang for our buck,” said Coun. Jackie Brigley.
In the CAO report, Kulyk stated that Al Smith and herself planning a road tour and basically spray paint and identify those areas of greatest concerns and get the contractor to get a price for each area and go from there as to fixing potholes.
“There is quite a few intersections, road out to the dam  just destroyed, said Mayor Stannard.
“There’s a lot that is destroyed,” agreed Coun. Liz Adams.
“Back alleys and Alexander Crescent, that’s where the [gravel] budget is going to this year,” said Kulyk.
Foran Equipment who was awarded the water main extension project to south of Railway Ave. and will proceed with directional drilling versus open cut excavation to install the majority of the water line which will cost $200 less.  All agreements and approvals have been garnered.
Council went in-camera on a land sale matter.
In a previous in-camera meeting labelled “legal” on April 10, council motioned to not pay the insurance deductible for a resident’s water damage as requested, as the Town was not determined to be at fault for the damages incurred.

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ECA Review

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