Fifth consecutive CWAJHAA badminton banner

Written by ECA Review

Theresetta Junior High students proudly display the banner they earned at the 2022 CWAJHAA (Central Western Alberta Junior High Athletic Association) competition. From the left, back row:  Owen Beaumont, Kaleb Bozek, Damon Ries, Lachlan Hanton and Boston Slemp. Middle row:  Rueben Fetaz, Drew Bagshaw, Veronica Virgo, Ethan Boger, Kaitlyn and Jillian Heidecker, Kyla Beaumont and Cara Penner. Front (standing):  Harlyn Bunbury, Iliann Munoz-Bribiesca, Chloe Bernhard, Fischer Zelman, Allie Weber, Daphne Fuller, Danica Boger
Floor:  Kelton Doolaege, Kolby Renschler

Theresetta Junior High students, under the skillful coaching of Mitch Finkbiner, proudly display the banner they earned at the 2022 CWAJHAA (Central Western Alberta Junior High Athletic Association) competition.

The badminton competition took place in Red Deer on May 10 – 12.
The 1J division of this association has over 30 teams and includes schools whose junior high population is under 100 students. The CWAJHAA tournament itself has around 60 schools who take part from five different divisions all around Red Deer, Lacombe, Ponoka and Innisfail.

Placing in the medals is a great achievement in itself, considering how many schools and large population centres take part.

Medal winners included:
Bronze Medalists: Allie Weber (Grade 8 girls singles)
Ethan Boger and Lachlan Hanton (Grade 9 boys doubles)
Silver Medalists: Harlyn Bunbury (Grade 7 girls singles)
Boston Slemp (Grade 8 boys singles)
Kolby Renschler (Grade 9 boys singles)
Drew Bagshaw and Damon Ries (Grade 9 boys doubles)
Gold Medalists: Daphne Fuller (Grade 7 girls singles)
Kelton Doolaege (Grade 8 boys singles)
Kaleb Bozek and Rueben Fetaz (Grade 8 boys doubles.

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