Farmer’s market now running a deficit

Dear Editor,

For years now, local residents have enjoyed their weekly trips to the farmers market at the Hanna Round-up Centre.

It’s a chance to get out of the house, meet friends and pick up fresh produce and baked goodies offered by local vendors.

Many people may not be aware that for several years now, the Round-up Centre farmers market has been made possible due largely to the hard work, generosity and community spirit of Archie and Geri Kittler who actually own the Round-up Centre.

The building has been around for many decades but the Kittler’s refurbished it from the ground up.

Due to its size and easy access for both vendors and buyers, it turned out to be the perfect venue for the farmers market.

For several years the farmers market operated in the Round-up Centre under the sponsorship of the Ag Society.

Archie gave them a sweetheart rental agreement which was a percentage from each occupied table!

Because of new management being employed for last year, this arrangement wouldn’t work, thus Archie offered them a flat rate of $250 per week with them collecting all revenue from all tables!

The Ag Society baulked at this and moved to the curling rink!

Now, one year later, the Ag Society’s farmers market at the curling rink has an operating deficit of $1,700 as reported in the paper and now they want a further subsidy from Hanna’s taxpayers because they can’t afford the already heavily subsidized curling rink rental fee of $303 per week!

Also, whatever happened to the $4,800 balance the Hanna Farmers’ Market had in their account at the beginning of the 2019 market season?

Shouldn’t they be digging into that little nest egg before hitting up Hanna’s taxpayers for subsidies?

There’s more to this story if anybody cares to ask.

But I will finish with this… I understand that a farmers market has operated in Hanna for over 40 years without ever having to be subsidized by the taxpayers.

The farmers market is the Ag Society’s baby and Peggy Rehill is the Ag Society’s liaison. Perhaps she has the answer.


Ronald Pompetti,

Former Farmers’ Market committee member, vendor and taxpayer

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