Clearview Public Schools has announced a change in transportation services for the upcoming 2023-2024 school year.
This change aims to provide improved access to more families without additional fees. The Province of Alberta has revised its funding threshold for school divisions, allowing Clearview Public Schools to extend transportation benefits to more students.
The previous guidelines gave school divisions funding for transportation if a student’s residence was 2.4 kilometres or further away from their school.
The revised guidelines now state that kindergarten to Grade 6 students must reside 1.0 kilometres or further away from their school, and students in Grades 7 through 12 must live 2.0 kilometres or further away.
This change ensures that more students can access bussing services.
However, the Clearview Board of Trustees has also extended this service to provide students in Grades 7 through 12 who live 1.0 kilometres away from the school in-town bussing without a fee.
Clearview Public Schools operates 44 bus routes, covering over 7,500 kilometres daily, with approximately 1,200 students utilizing the bus service. These students account for 53 per cent of the total student population. With the increase, Clearview Public Schools anticipates adding two routes and having an estimated 1,550 riders for the 2023-2024 school year.
Planning and organizing bus routes and schedules is an intricate process involving the coordination of various stakeholders, including students, families, drivers, schools, and communities.
“We would ask families to be patient with us as we work through the new routing,” says Maryann Wingie, Director of Transportation Clearview Public Schools. “We will be working hard to ensure that everything runs smoothly, but in the event of an error, we would encourage families to contact us with their concern.”
Clearview Public Schools asks that any family who believes their child now qualifies for in-town transportation register their children as soon as possible.
Registration is mandatory for all students residing in the town for the 2023-2024 academic year, regardless of their previous bus service usage.
However, only new students from rural areas are required to register specifically for the bus service.
The recent changes in provincial guidelines mean that more students are now eligible for transportation services, and funding for busing is contingent upon student registration.
Registration for the 2023-24 academic year is now open. Clearview Public Schools will send out notifications in late August, including pick-up and drop-off times and bus stop locations, once the initial registration process has concluded.
Jessica Campbell
ECA Review