Downtown Hanna construction begins

Construction on the Hanna downtown infrastructure and beautification project began Mon. June 17, 2024 with the closure of 2nd Ave and 2nd St. to 2nd Ave. ECA Review/S.Beaudoin

by S. Beaudoin

Construction on the Hanna downtown infrastructure and beautification project began Mon. June 17, 2024 with the closure of 2nd Ave and 2nd St. to 2nd Ave. and 1st St. Followed by east to 2nd Ave. and Center St., and finishing with the partial block in front of the Post Office.

Water and sewer lines will be replaced to each business; any contaminated soil will be replaced, then new pavement, sidewalks, lighting, benches and planters will finish off the beautification portion.

Sidewalks will be the last removed so foot traffic can remain to each business affected. Also temporary waterlines are being provided to each business within construction zones and sewer lines remain intact until new lines are in place.

Businesses can keep their regular operating hours throughout this work.

Work is expected to continue until October but is dependent on the weather and findings once the pavement is opened.


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