Do some soul searching

Dear Editor,
I would encourage readers to consider clipping the article, Bullying – Make It Stop (ECA Review – Nov. 17 Edition – Pg 15) and posting it in a prominent place to reference from time to time.
Too often this behaviour is highlighted and then put on a ‘back burner’.
Groups and committees invite knowledgeable presenters to speak on the subject of bullying and often attendees come away and are heard to remark “how much they learned”.  That is great to hear!
Hopefully these attendees will now have a greater understanding of bullying and actually do some ‘soul searching’ to ensure they are not guilty of this behaviour.
The Canadian Council on Learning divides bullying into four categories:  physical, relational, verbal and cyber.  psychologists point out that physical – verbal and cyber forms of bullying are fairly easy to identify.
This article breaks down relational:  social exclusion, spreading rumours, gossip and mean-spirited notes.
How often has one heard someone say – “Oh that’s just so and so” to explain or rationalize bullying by a peer?
‘So and so’ should be challenged for this bullying behaviour as without a challenge the behaviour is reinforced and continues.
Society is a community of a diverse set of individuals that deserve to be celebrated for their individuality and able to express thoughts and opinions in a safe and open manner.
Freedom of expression and speech is NOT the issue here.  Every member of our society should remember to do so respectfully.
Howard Helton
Morrin, Ab.

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