Developer wants big boot for Big Valley

Council debated over whether a subdivision application would be a good or bad development for Big Valley at their July 28 regular meeting.

An individual would like to purchase property north of the train station and roughly across from White Owl Gas Station but east of the railroad tracks.

The developer’s proposal is to construct the ‘world’s largest boot’, according to CAO Michelle White. The boot may also house a gift shop.

Mayor Lois Miller stated that a development in that area might need approval from Alberta Heritage due to the close proximity to the train station.

“I’m a little concerned about the height and [being] that close to the station.”

According to White, council and the public will have opportunity to discuss merits of the development once the application has been processed.

Bills need to be paid

Households could have their water shut off if their unpaid bill rolls over to the tax account three months in a row. Given that a household has 90 days to pay the arrears once it has gone over to the tax account, that allows for six months leeway to catch up. Council passed Bylaw 881 to authorize the move.

Talks begin with county

CAO White estimated a new intermunicipal development plan (IDP) with the County of Stettler could be on the table for 2017.

One of the new mandatory requirements of the updated Municipal Government Act is for bordering municipalities to have agreements in place on things like development.
Big Valley had requested that the County begin talks to put an IDP in place earlier this year.

Root of the problem

Council passed a motion to increase the sewer repair budget to $84,000 from $58,000 to deal with an extreme root problem throughout the Main Street sewer lines.

Roots growing through sewer lines and causing backups has been an ongoing problem for Big Valley.

The additional repair costs will be covered from MSI funding.

Bylaw passed

Bylaw 821 to amend Bylaw 810 Animal Control received third reading and was passed by council. Council also entered into an agreement with Out of the Cold Companion Animal Rescue from Morrin to provide animal control services for Big Valley.

Village encourages applications

Council set September 14 as the application deadline for community groups to apply for this year’s grant from the Big Valley Community Foundation. The grant of $280 can be used for any activity that is for the betterment of Big Valley.

Spooky stories

Allegedly haunted sites in Big Valley, like the blue church, the train station and Jubilee Hall have caught the attention of the Calgary Association of Paranormal Investigations.

The group contacted the village to arrange for a tour of the spooked facilities. Coun. Sandra Schell volunteered to show the group around.

Meeting cancelled

Unless an emergency crops up, there will be no August council meeting.

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ECA Review

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