Delia cannabis bylaw passes

Bylaw 634-2018, a bylaw to regulate all smoking and vaping of both tobacco and cannabis in public and workplaces within the Village of Delia passed second and third readings without any further amendments at the Nov. 8 regular council meeting.

Elizabeth Armitage of Vicinia Planning & Engagement Inc. was on hand to review the company’s proposal to develop a Municipal Development Plan (MDP) for the Village of Delia.

In the past, only municipalities with a population of 3,500 persons or more were required to adopt an MDP.

Now, according to the Municipal Government Act (MGA) all municipalities must have an MDP in place by April 1, 2021.

Delia’s MDP will communicate the long-term desired land use for the community and serve as a blueprint to show how the community is expected to change over time and the shape it will take in the future.

Vicinia proposes to develop Delia’s MDP in conjunction with the Intermunicipal Development Plan/Intermunicipal Collaboration Framework (IDP/ICF) project they have been retained to complete while also providing updates for the Land Use Bylaw as required by the MGA.


Linda Stillinger

ECA Review

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