Delburne society lays out plan for lodge

If Delburne’s Aging Well Society is successful with a proposal to construct a senior’s lodge in Delburne, seniors will have the option to remain in familiar surrounding.

A delegation from the Aging Well Society dropped by the Village council meeting Nov. 12 to inform council about their plans to develop an extended care senior’s facility with an attached daycare.

Aging in place is defined as being able to remain in your community, whether in your own home or a lodge, with access to services and supports that help seniors maintain independence.

Sandy Paradon, Donna Inkin and Diane Gunter presented the plan to council.

Lodge plan includes treatment/therapy room

According to Paradon, the facility would be classified as extended care, meaning seniors would have access to cleaning, laundry and cooking services.

Medical care, such as nursing staff, would not be a feature of the lodge but the plan includes a treatment/therapy room where practitioners could offer services.

A unique feature of the lodge would be to include room for a playschool. According to Paradon, the addition could solve the problem Delburne Playschool faces with losing the church if the property sells.

The arrangement would also allow interaction between generations.

The society is hopeful the village will consider donating land that sits beside property the society already has for the project. Or, if that isn’t possible, consider earmarking the 2016 .5 ml special levy tax money for the project.

The land in question is zoned commercial and would allow for the facility.

“Right now that land is sitting idle,” commented Coun. Tim Wilson, stating that if the village did donate the land but the facility was not built, the land could then revert to village hands.

Currently, Delburne seniors requiring or wanting this kind of facility must go elsewhere.

“They can’t stay in their communities where they’ve worked all their lives,” stated Paradon, pointing out they often end up in communities far from their families wherever space is available.

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