Delburne Medical Centre held its grand opening on Fri. March 8, 2019. From the left, back row: M.P. Earl Dreeshen, Philip Massier, County of Red Deer councillor, Kayla Carfentam, and Rudresh Soni, pharmacist. Front row: Dr. Shaline Reddy, Dr. Muti Kauchali, Mayor Bill Chandler, Hitesh Amrutiya, pharmacist, Delburne Chief Administrative Officer Karen Fegan and Andrew Anderson, consultant. ECA Review/R. Reckseidler
A new piece of Delburne’s history took place as the Delburne Medical Centre held its grand opening on Fri. March 8, 2019, which was attended by a number of civic dignitaries, the medical team, the Pharmasave team, as well as many from the public.
It was historic because the Village of Delburne has never provided this professional service to the area before.
The ceremony kicked off with the mayor of Delburne, Bill Chandler welcoming everyone followed by several short speeches.
“This facility is fulfilling a community need. It was a year ago this month that we put shovels in the ground,” said Andrew Anderson of Anderson Consulting.
“It’s great to see this facility in rural Alberta,” added MLA Devon Dreeshen, Innisfail-Sylvan Lake Constituency.
“It’s an exciting addition [that is] greatly needed.” Ribbon cutting ceremonies followed for both the medical centre and the pharmacy.
Dr. Muti Kauchali, the individual who spearheaded the project, hosted tours to all who wished to see the new facility.
Joe Brown, a local resident commented, “It’s great to have such a great service locally.”
Ray Reckseidler
ECA Review