Delburne couple celebrates $1 million lotto win!

Debra and Darrell Hatt of Delburne. ECA Review/Submitted
Written by ECA Review

Debra and Darrell Hatt of Delburne. ECA Review/Submitted

For Christmas Debra and Darrell Hatt were given a present that will continue to give for years to come.

The Delburne couple received a Player’s Choice Mega Pack and won $1 million on the Western Million ticket inside.

“This is really exciting for us,” said Debra while claiming the couple’s prize. “We’ve worked hard all of our lives and this has come to us at a really great time.”

“We know the money won’t only help us as we move into our retirement, it will also help our family, probably for generations to come,” she continued. “That’s the best part, knowing that we’re helping our kids and their kids.”

The Hatts said they discovered their win on Christmas morning, but it took a couple days for them to confirm what they had won.

“We wanted to call the lottery office to make sure we were seeing the right amount,” said Debra. “And of course all of this happened over the few days the lottery office was closed for the holidays.”

“We tried not to get too excited until we knew for sure,” added Darrell. “I mean, we’re not incredibly excitable people to begin with, but we are really happy about this!”

After sharing some of their winnings with their family, Debra said she has one very specific purchase in mind.

“I’m going to buy a new pair of winter boots,” she laughed. “I’ve had my eye on a pair and I’m going to get them.”

The winners said the rest of the money will be put into savings for the future.

The Hatt’s winning ticket was purchased just before Christmas from the Three Hills IGA.



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