Councillors were given copies of seven letters from constituents that expressed their views on the closing of the Village’s Main Street campground at Delburne councils May 25 meeting.
Six of the letters were strongly opposed and one was in favour.
Collectively, the reasons cited included it’s proximity to the Spray Park, the children’s playground, the outdoor exercise equipment and ease of downtown shopping and access to the museum.
Administration had publicized council’s reasons for the closing of the campground via the local monthly newsletter and it was also inserted in the residents’ monthly utility bills.
Mayor Bill Chandler stated, “Perhaps we should backtrack on our decision if that’s what people want.”
As a result, Coun. Darlene Dushanek moved to rescind the earlier motion of March 23, 2021. The motion was carried unanimously.
After a brief public hearing where no members of the public were in attendance and no written submissions, council gave third and final reading to Bylaw 1154/2019 Land Use Bylaw amendment.
The amendment focused on the inclusions and definition of the words “golf course” and “campground”.
It was brought to this reporter’s attention by CAO Karen Fegan that the General Municipal mill rate should have been separated by Residential and Non-Residential rather than combined as shown in a recent article.
Thus, the Residential property mill rate is 7.0598 while the non-residential is set at 18.6525.
As well, the Alberta School Foundation Fund (ASFF) should be separated thus the mill rate for Residential is set at 2.6215 mills and the non-residential is set at 3.7265 mills.
In terms of the taxes to be paid by the property owners, it remains the same as last year. There is no increase.
In other council matters, it was reported the Rain Barrel Program and the Compost Bin Program have both been launched and that the newly opened Golf Course Campground is in service.
The Village and the CNR have reopened contact through the CNR’s public relations representative.
Under new business administration requested council determine how Bylaw 1166/2020- the Responsible Pet Ownership Bylaw is to be rolled out.
After learning of Alberta Animal Control Officers background information document, council on a motion by Coun. Daphne Warner approved the rollout of the Bylaw 1166/2020 with no fees for cat licensing for 2021.
Ray Reckseidler
ECA Review