Czar Lake Bullarama takes off with a bang for its ninth year of PBR Canada bull riding on Fri. July 21, 2023. ECA Review/C.Shupka

Dakota Buttar takes top dollar at the event with a total score of 174.50 on two bulls. ECA Review/C.Shupka

Cowboy bites the dirt as bullfighters, Brett Monea, Ty Prescott and Greg Loring rush in to distract the bull and keep the rider safe. ECA Review/N.Webster

Brinson James, The Entertainer, a young rodeo clown, trick roper in his 20’s, entertained the crowd with physical comedy, acrobatics, stand-up comedy, music, ashy costumes, and improv. ECA Review/C.Shupka

TJ Clark, Jaxson Botting and Breal Flemming were Team# 6 in the Wild Pony Race sponsored by Kevin Walters Fencing, leading up to the bull riding. ECA Review/C.Shupka