Credibility and open discussion needed

Dear Editor,

Realizing what a never ending situation truth and reconciliation  seems to be, would it be asking too much of all political leaders provincially and federally to consider some form of national conference to hear both sides of this fiasco and put an end to it all. 

In spite of apologies, symbolic gestures and historical destruction we seem to still be at a standstill. 

However, the demands never end and billions of dollars and more promised are a huge burden on every taxpayer in the country.

The past Conservative Government under Stephen Harper, knowing the corruption of the chiefs on many reserves leading to deplorable conditions of the families suggested that a full audit be done on each reserve to determine where the federal  billions were going.

He got an early start but that program was immediately destroyed by the Trudeau Government on being elected.

Credibility and open discussion to the public is necessary as this has to end, better sooner than later.


Gayle Smigg

Hanna, Alta.

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