The County of Paintearth’s financial software will be replaced for $149,254 with software from Diamond Municipal Solutions, Councillors considered to be the best fit for the County of Paintearth at their regular meeting on Aug. 18.
The expense will be funded from the 2016 restricted surplus budget.
Shock Trauma Air Rescue Foundation
Councillors agreed to their annual contribution of $4,252, based on per capita, to support STARS that is considered by council to be a vital service provided to their ratepayers.
Two counties withdraw from SMRSWC
Council accepted the terms and conditions of the withdrawal of Lacombe county and Camrose county from the Shirley McClellan Regional Water Services Commission.
It was reiterated that the costing of a waterline to Brownfield would be a 90-10 split with the 90 per cent funded from the water for life study and the 10 per cent funded from the Shirley McClellan Water Services Commission.
The line to Brownfield would meet the Alberta environment regulations but not the regulations for fire suppressant.
Rural water line distribution
The County’s request for funding in the amount of $2,000,000 from the Small Communities Fund (SCF) for the Regional Water Distribution System was declined.
Council was advised there were 110 responses received from the waterline survey. Discussions will need to be held with the engineers and a draft brought back for council to discuss rural distribution plans, impacts of waterlines, reservoirs, line integrity and required policies.
Administration advised WSP was contacted as the deficiencies have not been completed on the Halkirk rural water distribution line. If the work is not completed, the county will undertake the work and the holdback will not be released.