County of Paintearth drives wedge between developer and host residents 

Dear Editor,

Who do we believe? 

The County of Paintearth continues to create discord with the host residents and the developer of the proposed Halkirk 2 Wind Project.

Recent evidence submitted by the County of Paintearth (Jan. 12, 2022) stating they have permits in place and a road use agreement contradicts the developer and AUC (Alberta Utilities Commission). 

Host residents of the proposed redesign have been advised by the developer that no such agreements are in place as the redesign is in the development stage.

An application to the AUC has yet to be made. 

Capital Power is working to repair relationships and engage host residents and landowners of the proposed project that will provide economic and social benefits to our county. This relationship has again been strained with a feeling of distrust. 

Do we believe our county who accepted false documents on the original permit applications and filed false documents to the AUC claiming jurisdiction over federal agencies? 

A county who has not once come to meet with host residents to engage or inform. 

Or do we believe the developer who is now meeting with residents, building trust, consulting and resolving past issues? 

If the Halkirk 2 Wind Project is to move forward successfully it will have to be based on truth and trust. 

The bullying and manipulation must end. 

We are hoping for a successful project, to the financial and social benefits it may bring, while protecting the Paintearth and Battle River Valleys. 


Residents, 26+

County of Paintearth

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ECA Review

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