Coronation Minor Sports board spokesperson appeared before council during their June 26 meeting regarding the future of the Coronation ball diamonds.
Ed Griffith and council have decided that they want to have more communication between the groups.
Griffith had recently met with members of council to discuss grants. When he brought the information back to the board, he was told that the board did not want to wait for grants before proceeding with the project.
Griffith explained that while the board still wants the town’s help, they would also like to do fundraising to speed the project along.
Coronation Minor Sports is interested in utilizing the municipal grant writer’s services to secure grants to raise additional funds for rehabilitating the ball diamond structures.
Council has agreed to meet with Coronation Minor Sports board on June 28 to discuss the future of minor sports and allow them to move forward with projects.
Procedure bylaw
Coronation council has passed Bylaw No. 2023-699, a procedure bylaw that determines the rules and regulations during a formal assembly such as a council meeting.
According to the bylaw proposal, “The purpose of this bylaw is to establish a clear and consistent framework for conducting meetings, with the aim of ensuring fairness, order and efficiency in the decision-making process.
It covers various aspects of the meeting, including the roles and responsibilities of participants, the sequence of business, procedures for introducing and discussing motions, rules for debate, voting procedures and other related matters.”
The bylaw outlines all of the rules and regulations regarding the correct procedures during formal meetings, including having proper council minutes and the procedure for running council meetings.
At a past meeting, council did not pass this bylaw, meaning that for it to be passed, it had to be given a new bylaw number. Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) Quinton Flint recommended that if council were unsure about a bylaw in the future, it would be best to table the decision instead of killing the bylaw, then it can be brought back to council.
Council passed the new bylaw after having the third reading.
Floor repairs
Council has agreed to support the mall merchants with new flooring which is needed to prevent any injuries or further damage to the building.
The town has reached out for quotes for the project and received one quote of $24,630 from a local contractor. Flint said he also reached out to other contractors but they either said they were too busy or did not want to do the project.
The damaged areas of the floor need to have the tiles removed, and any underlying issues will need to be addressed. The contractor that they received a quote from would be able to handle the underlying problems.
The information has been shared with the mall merchants; however, Flint is still waiting to hear from two merchants regarding their decision.
The project cost would be split five ways leaving the town with a bill of under $5,000 to support the project.
Jessica Campbell
ECA Review