Bashaw town council read letters from CN Rail at their regular meeting Jan. 17, including an admission the railway made an error, which seemed to vindicate council’s concerns surrounding construction work on a railway crossing.
Town Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) Theresa Fuller provided councillors with two letters from CN Rail in response to concerns council forwarded regarding CN Rail’s Dec., 2021 correspondence informing the town a rail crossing on 54th Ave. required rehabilitation with the town’s mandatory share quoted as almost $61,000.
It turns out that was an error.
“We received an apology stating there was an error,” stated Fuller’s memo to council.
She pointed to the first CN Rail document. “Please accept my apologies as I sent the wrong information to the Town of Bashaw in regards to cost etc.,” stated an undated, unsigned letter from CN Public Works.
“The estimate I sent in late 2021 was for a premium crossing surface (concrete) which the town has the choice to either choose the premium surface at 100 per cent cost to the town or go with the wood planks (current material) and the cost would be split 50 per cent Bashaw and 50 per cent CN per the board order.
Please note that the lifespan of concrete or hardwood panels lasts around eight to 12 years while the wood planks last two to three years.”
The detailed cost estimate for wood planks was just under $40,000, with the town’s share at $19,750.
The second document, from CN Rail’s spokesperson Tyler Banick, also stated a mistake had been made.
“I am told that Kyle will reissue the notices and revise the estimate accordingly as the cost proportion of the crossing reconstruction is 50 per cent CN and 50 per cent (Bashaw) and was not reflective in the original notice,” stated Banick’s letter.
Banick noted, “The crossing was widened in 1998,” adding it was boosted from 20 feet to 40 feet.
Banick stated since the crossing was widened on Bashaw’s request, Bashaw is responsible “…for the maintenance cost of the additional 20 foot portion.”
Mayor Rob McDonald noted he thought it must have been at least 20 years since CN had put that crossing in its current form.
The mayor also questioned whether CN Rail replaces those planks regularly.
“They’re not going to be replacing that in the next two to three years,” said McDonald.
Coun. Kyle McIntosh repeated the first CN letter’s statement the plank material needs to be replaced at that crossing every two to three years.
McIntosh also pointed out that the original letter, noting the town had to pay over $60,000 for the work, meant CN wouldn’t have to pay anything for the crossing work.
Coun. Bryan Gust stated he doesn’t remember the wood planks ever being replaced at that crossing and doesn’t remember any widening work being done either.
“I have no memory of it being narrower,” said Gust.
During discussion, councillors noted that crossing doesn’t seem to be very busy, mostly some truck traffic picking up fertilizer.
Mayor McDonald stated he felt the council should wait until all the concerns the town sent out about this matter have been answered, including a letter to Battle River-Crowfoot MP Damien Kurek since railways are a federal jurisdiction.
Councillors agreed to table it pending further information.
Stu Salkeld, Local Journalism Initiative reporter
ECA Review