Council financially support rodeo queen

Written by ECA Review

Ainsley Zayac / Facebook

Hanna town council unanimously gave the thumbs up to financially supporting Ainsley Zayac, Hanna’s Rodeo Queen for 2023 for $1,000.

At its Tues. Nov. 8 meeting council agreed that Zayac was a good ambassador for the town.

In her letter to council, Zayac specified that funding for gas would be most helpful.

“I am excited to attend more events in the future including the CFR, local Hanna Christmas markets, the Lodge, Ponoka Stampede and more. I would love the town’s financial support in my journey around Alberta with fuel money of up to a thousand dollars.”

However, council agreed that the money allocated to the rodeo queen did not need to be used specifically for gasoline.

Zayac said she has made a SMART goal for her year as rodeo queen to show how she plans to represent this community. SMART is an acronym for specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely.

Specifically, she wants to represent Hanna for the 2023 year to the best of her abilities.

Her measurable goal includes attending at least two events per month in Hanna in the winter and four events per month in the summer.

Her achievable goal is to plan with Jolene, her queen coordinator by making a calendar listing all events.

Treating her title as a job and wearing her crown with pride as she represents Hanna is her realistic goal.

She will use the year to do the best job possible and pave the way for the new queen.

“I am grateful to have the experience of being Miss Pro Rodeo Hanna and I am enthusiastic to see what happens throughout the year,” she said.

Treena Mielke
ECA Review

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