Council deliberates PACE Canada solar farm proposal

Town of Hanna
Written by ECA Review

Hanna council discussed the PACE Canada solar farm proposal during their June 28 council meeting.

The proposed solar farm would be located near Hanna Airport, which is a cause for concern due to the glare that the panels could have on the pilots arriving and departing.

A study has been done on the glare that would be caused; however, the council wants to meet with the local pilots and discuss their thoughts.

“From my understanding, that location was chosen due to the closeness of the substation which makes it cost-efficient for the developer,” said Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) Kim Neill.

Coun. Kyle Olsen added the discussion of the PACE Canada solar farm proposal to the agenda to see how the other councillors felt about the project.

At the June 21 presentation hosted by PACE, there was a low turnout, approximately 30 people, and most were against the project, according to Olsen, who attended.

Olsen explained  Claude Mindorff, Director of Development at PACE, said they only want to be in the community if the community wants them there. When asked how they gauge that?, Mindorff responded by saying when people are against the project, they speak out, but when they like it, they don’t.

“I personally have had one person who said they like it, they like the project, they like the location,” Olsen said. “I’ve had a lot of people say they’re comfortable with the project but they’re not comfortable with the location.”

Olsen told council that although it may be for nothing, he would like to get PACE to speak with Special Areas to try and find a different location due to the restrictions it could have on Hanna Airport.

In an email discussion between Neill and Mindorff, Mindorff said he felt the people who opposed the project were not open-minded.

Other municipalities, such as Drumheller, have had this battle with solar farm companies, and the Alberta Utilities Commission allowed the company to go forward with the project even though the town was against the project.

Coun. Sandra Beaudoin spoke about her concerns regarding the project. She has noticed that in the proposal provided by PACE, the legals are wrong. She also noted that they had included land the owner was not indulgent in, which was her land, and they had not been contacted.

“I’m not for or against, I’m just trying to get enough information,” Beaudoin said. “I think we need to take it to the entire community and give everybody opportunities to say yes I like it or no I don’t or I’m indifferent.”

Beaudoin also said, the landowner does not live in the community, so they do not have to deal with the project.

Neill is recommending that they bring Mindorff back to council to discuss the project’s progress and answer any questions.

Jessica Campbell
ECA Review

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