Council bids farewell to Library Board chair

Written by ECA Review

Chair of the Coronation Library Board Val Cornell resigns after serving 17 years on the board.

Council acknowledges the contributions that Cornell has made to the community and programming for local children.

“It would go without saying that Val will be greatly missed, and her expertise on many different topics, including the historical changes within Coronation,” outlines the agenda of the council.

“Thank you for all of your years of advocacy and volunteerism. Thank you for your unwavering leadership and guidance through the years.”

The town council is considering providing Cornell with a formal thank-you letter and a gift of appreciation for her service.

Cornell’s replacement, Chelsea Peacock, is set to be appointed as new chair by both councils in a future meeting.

Furthermore, the Coronation Library Board announced the addition of a summer reading program coordinator.

Michener Allen Auction
In March, Coronation town council moved to hold an auction to sell surplus equipment at the Michener Allen Auction.
“We ended up getting $19,823.50 from the auction itself and the items we sent in,” says Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) Quinton Flint.

This Auction was highly successful for Coronation as the town staff will continue to look for more surplus equipment for the council to present for the 2023 auction.

Budget workshop meeting
Council is planning to have a budget workshop meeting before the regular meeting of council before either May 9 or 24.
Flint outlines he will have the capital and operating budget prepared for the May 9 meeting.

Council hopes to have the strategic plan complete by the end of 2022 with both three and five year capital plans once all information from the infrastructure master plan assessment is complete.

“We could do more priority-based budgeting at that point where we can actually allocate funds to the projects we need to attack for next year,” says Flint. “And then we can have a better understanding of what we have available for funding for each project that would be coming up.”

As the council waits for more information, they plan to address issues in the community regarding sidewalk repairs that need to be completed this year but are still waiting for quotes.

Mayor Checkel proposed to finalize a meeting date when all information is accounted for.

Automobile allowance rate 
Following a motion on April 11, the Automobile Allowance Rate has been updated to be based on the Provincial Automobile Rates Guidelines and the Canada Revenue Agency at $0.50 per km.

The council requested this to be done as a separate policy that would need to be worked on in later months. The bylaw will be amended to follow the new wording and reflect the Council Remuneration Policy.

Mileage is paid to councillors who travel to and from approved meetings, seminars, conferences, workshops and functions.

“The rate payable per kilometre is calculated on a yearly basis using the rates established by the Government of Alberta and in conjunction with the listed rates with the Canada Revenue Agency or if established by the Town’s Automobile Allowance Rates Policy,” Flint read out to the council.

This would allow the town council to follow the changes of the Alberta Government and allow for changes if the council moves forward with an Automobile Allowance rate.

Daniel Gonzalez
ECA Review

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ECA Review

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