Council approves development access point via easement, pending landowner’s permission

Written by ECA Review

Paintearth council approved a development access point off of Hwy. 872 via easement during their July 11 meeting.

Todd Pawsey, Director of Community Services, presented the information to council.

A landowner is planning to develop a new residential parcel in SE31-39-10. Currently, there is undeveloped access off Hwy. 872 to that location.

“His access is going through another person’s land that we don’t have legal access to tie into our road allowance,” said Pawsey. “For us to get from 872 to our road allowance, we would have to enter into an agreement with the landlord of that little separate parcel.

Pawsey explained that it is possible that the landowner does not even know that they own that sliver of land.

“Alberta Transportation has already cleared us that yes, we can use that access,” Pawsey said. The next step is talking to the landowner and getting permission to use that sliver of land.

Coun. Diane Elliott inquired about the potential consequences if the landowner refuses to grant the easement or initially gives it but later revokes access to the road.

If the landowner does not allow the easement, the next step would be to buy the sliver of land to build the road, explained Pawsey, and the easement would be to the county for public access.

According to Pawsey, the county will cost share up to $25,000 on a $50,000 project expenditure, and the developer is responsible for the rest.

Council decided that if the landowner does not agree to an easement, the matter will be brought back to council for further discussion before making any next steps.

Jessica Campbell
ECA Review

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