Council amends two personnel policies

Written by ECA Review

Starland Council amended policies 110-1 and 970-12 during their June 28 meeting.

Policy No. 110-1 aims to establish salary rates, benefits and expense reimbursement for councillors.

The salary is $250 per day and $135 for a half day when they have meetings. Councillors also receive four days of supervision pay per month set at $250. The reeve receives an additional salary of one day per month.

Under the transportation section, on council’s request, administration removed section six, which states, “The use of a private vehicle for travel may be authorized when it is not feasible or practical to use a Starland County fleet vehicle.”

All councillors use private vehicles to attend council and committee meetings and are paid mileage.

The administration also included a section under meals stating that alcoholic beverages and drugs will not be reimbursed.

They also removed section three under conferences, saying that the council needs to pre-approve participation in any convention or conference.

Policy No. 970-12 is similar but covers expense reimbursement for Starland County employees.

Under meals, there was a change to the policy, once again stating that employees will not be reimbursed for alcoholic beverages or drugs.

There was also the same change to conferences and conventions, removing the section that says any conferences and conventions must be pre-approved by the council.

McLaren Dam fish
Public Works proposed that instead of stalking the McLaren Dam with trout, they requested to fill it with a different kind of fish.

Due to low oxygen levels and run-off from fertilizer, the trout in the dam are not thriving which has led to people not being able to catch any.

The switch from trout to a different type of fish would not cost the county anything. However, it could bring more campers and people to the dam.

Homestead Museum Society
The Homestead Museum Society requests Starland County funding to redo the dome shingles.

The Homestead Museum is located in Drumheller and is filled with items from the past, such as toys, household equipment and large equipment used for farming. These items are located in the dome and the society believes that if the shingles are not fixed, these items are at risk of being ruined.

According to a quote they gave Starland County, the cost to redo the shingles would be $40,950 plus tax. That cost would cover the shingles and the synthetic underlayment.

The Homestead Museum Society sent a brief letter to the council, which made the council unsure about the project and whether they should support it.

“If it is just us, then no,” said Jacqueline Watts. She wanted to know if they had just asked Starland County or if they had asked other places for funding as well.

The letter says, “we, as the Homestead Museum members of the society, look forward to any assistance Starland County can provide.” However, it does not clarify if they have spoken to other municipalities or have done any fundraising.

Council didn’t feel funding for the museum aligned with their current priorities.

Councillor John Rew explained that the project was reasonable but they didn’t have enough information.

At the recommendation of Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) Christopher Robblee, council has decided to table the issue until they are provided with more information.

Jessica Campbell
ECA Review

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