Coronation council decided to give full time staff a three per cent increase to keep up with Cost of Living Allowance (COLA) on Mon. Dec. 20 at their final 2021 council meeting.
At the last regular meeting, council has requested additional information from administration in regards to the over cost for the staffing increases on the total over all amounts of full time and seasonal workers.
Administration made it clear that specifics of someone’s wage was to go through administration while the overarching numbers were for council as per the Municipal Government Act.
The overall total for salaried employees before the increase of three per cent was $577,738.95; with the increase at $595,071.12 as well as benefits, Canadian Pension Plan and Employment Insurance.
The increased total comes to $19,711.64.
These figures do not include swimming pool staff or summer students.
New council computers
Council will be upgrading their technology from the old ‘dinosaurs’ they currently have to something more modern.
It was decided council go with a Microsoft Surface Pro 7 bundle with 128GB, 8GB Ram.
The main reason for this type of tech came from the need for use of handling Microsoft Office and Teams video conferencing.
CAO Flint shared that when working with the Village of Consort, they too use this type of computer and have not failed yet after a few years of use.
APCO Grant
Council granted administration the ability to apply for the Alberta Community Partnership Online (APCO) Grant.
This grant could give Coronation the ability to get updated sewer mains and master infrastructure plans through costly studies that would be covered under this grant if they receive the funding.
“Everything is drawn up. We just need the motion to send it in,” stated CAO Flint.
Terri Huxley
ECA Review