Coronation hiring for snow removal

Written by ECA Review

At a recent meeting Coronation town council discussed a proposal from The Coronation Housing Authority to hire a seasonal part-time employee to help remove snow accumulation at King Court and Windsor Manors.

During the discussion, it was noted that a part-time staff person hired to help at the senior’s facilities could also help clear areas of the municipality and also approach the mall merchants to address their snow-clearing requirements.

“All public works is used for snow removal,” said Mayor Ron Checkel after the meeting. “It makes sense to hire extra people after a blizzard. It helps get the snow clearing done sooner and as they are just hired for when we need them, it is cheaper.”

CAO Quinton Flint noted that the housing authority had previously sent out a tender to contract the position of snow clearing out and received only one inquiry.

It was noted during the meeting that the town can cover staff members for snow removal with their own insurance if they are considered staff and on the payroll. The individual covering this position could be hired out to the manors and the mall merchants to recover the staffing costs.

Council unanimously approved a motion by Deputy Mayor Brett Alderdice that direction be given to the CAO to provide council with different options on how to best move forward with the issue.

The CAO will look into insurance and staffing implications of hiring a part-time person for snow removal.


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