Anita Hewitt and Kelly Thornton sweep to raise Ryan Hewitt’s thrown rock in an attempt to raise one of their blue rocks into the rings for skip, Keith Rindal at the finals of the Coronation Farmer’s Bonspiel Sat., Jan. 25 at the Coronation Curling Rink. Opposing team members Graham Peterson and Robbie Lindmark watch closely. Twelve rinks were entered in the annual bonspiel. ECA Review/J.Webster

Coronation Farmer’s Curling Bonspiel Event A winners, from the left, Skip Andrew Rodvang, Blaine Brigley, Vanessa Johnson and lead, Herb Rock defeating the Doug Tkach rink in the close game, coming home tied up.

Event B winners were, from the left, Skip Jackie Brigley, Taylor Sieger, Kobi Seiger and lead, Dale Brigley.

Event C winners were, from the left, Skip Jordan Barnes, Addison Tkach, Graham Peterson and Robbie Lindmark, lead.