Coronation District 4-H Show and Sale

Members of 4-H clubs from across the Coronation District met in Compeer for the annual District Show and Sale on Tues. June 4.

Clubs participating included Brownfield, Coronation, Consort and Altario.

After weighing in their calves the members began with the judging competition.  Classes included heifers, steers and feed barley.

The official judge for the afternoon was Bill Dietrich with Clay Creasy, Curtis Perry, Julie Nelson, Carole Tkach, Maureen Black, Leanne Carfantan, Jody Perry and Tracy Dietrich all listening to reasons.

Judging competition
Senior judging Champion was Jessica Vert (Altario) and Reserve Champion was a tie between Chanelle Hadwin (Consort) and Lynn Hewitt (Coronation).

Intermediate judging Champion was Reuban Van Lagen (Altario) and Reserve Champion to Abrea Kosolofski (Altario).

Junior Judging Champion was Kaci Richardson (Brownfield) and Reserve Champion Brett Carfantan (Consort).

Female show
The female show followed next.  Yearling Heifer Champion shown by Kate Hadwin (Consort) and Reserve Champion shown by Charlee Bouchard (Altario).

The 2 year old cow/calf pair Grand Champion was shown by Kate Hadwin (Consort) and Reserve Shown by Bryce Carfantan (Consort).

The 3 year old cow/calf pair Grand Champion was shown by Jessie Weeks (Brownfield) and Reserve Champion shown by Bryce Carfantan (Consort).

The winners came back into the ring and Judge Bill Dietrich chose Kate Hadwin’s 2 year old as the Overall Breeding Female Champion and Jessie Weeks’ 3 year old as the Reserve Champion Breeding Female.

Herd Class
Last class in the ring for the night was the Herd class where Jessie Weeks (Brownfield) was named Champion and Reserve went to Bryce Carfantan (Consort).

The crowd and members were then treated to pizza supper compliments of Crop Management Network Inc.

An early morning on Wed. June 5 began with a pancake breakfast compliments of Stettler Agri-Center for members and parents.

Grooming and showmanship
Grooming and showmanship kicked off shortly after with Judges Suntana Murray and Kolby Heavens declaring winners.

Senior Champion Groomer was Rylan Deleff (Altario) and Reserve Champion Kate Hadwin (Consort).  Senior Showmanship winner was Kate Hadwin (Consort) and Reserve Champion Kianna Schaffer (Consort).

Intermediate Champion Groomer was Danna Bouchard (Altario) and Reserve Champion Maddie Ference (Altario).

Senior Showmanship winner was Maddie Ference (Altario) and Reserve Champion Danna Bouchard (Altario).

Junior Champion Groomer was Brett Carfantan (Consort) and Reserve Champion Charlee Bouchard (Altario).

Junior Showmanship winner was Charlee Bouchard (Altario) and Reserve Champion Brett Carfantan (Consort).

Cleaver members
Next in the ring were the Cleaver Members showcasing their baby calves they had been working on.

Earlier in the morning they had been busy with some craft projects, learning beef parts of the animal and doing a scavenger hunt around the barn.

The Pen of 3 competition kicked off the afternoon portion of the show where Altario was named Champion and Consort came in second.

Grand champions
The steers were sorted into six weight classes and this year’s Grand Champion Steer was shown by Nathan Van Lagen (Altario) and Reserve Champion steer shown by Kate Hadwin (Consort).

Awards were next on the days’ agenda.  Suzanne Stone and Isisah King, both from 4-H Alberta were on hand to present Vanessa Hadwin her Premier’s Awards Trophy, an award she won at the end of 2023.

A special thank you was made to Carol Tkach to honour her 4-H Alberta Volunteer of the Year Award.

Emersyn Cowan was awarded the Rate of Gain award.  The Brownfield Club earned 1st place in the Stall Competition and 2nd place going to the Coronation Club.

The Wraight Memorial Award was given to Hailey Neal (Coronation).  The McKeary Charolais Efficiency award was presented to Easton Baier (Altario), Kate Hadwin (Consort) and their parents.

Record books were marked by Darlene Webb.  Senior Champion was Kate Hadwin (Consort), Reserve Champ Vanessa Hadwin (Consort).  Intermediate Champion was Bryce Carfantan (Consort) and Reserve Champ was Keaton Schaffer (Consort).

Junior Champion was Gracy Hadwin (Consort) and Reserve Champion was a tie between Brett Carfantan (Consort) and Kenzie Schaffer (Consort).

Julie Nelson was the emcee for both days with help from Marsha Tkach, show secretary.

Keeping the calves moving in the ring was Koden Kosolofski and Vanessa Hadwin.

Following the awards everyone enjoyed a great meal before kicking the steer sale off.

Thank you
The District would like to thank everyone who came to support the members, helped out with the two days, sponsored awards, bid on calves during the sale, bought calves at the sale or donated time or money to make this show happen.

Thank you to Viterra Killam, Kal-Tire Sedgewick, Richardson Pioneer, Westland Insurance, Brandt Agriculture Coronation, Village of Consort, Coronation Ag Society, Neutral Hills Ag Society, KAC Ag Society, County of Paintearth No. 18, Special Areas No. 4, KAC Fire Department, Vision Credit Union, Consort Enterprise, BVH Trucking, Nifty Livestock, CARA, Provost Livestock Exchange, Dryland Cattle Trading Corp, Justin Graham, Country Junction Feeds Wetaskiwin, Coronation Industrial, Alberta Beef, Hero’s Food Truck, Lee’s Catering, Wayne Wotchell, JAG Oilfield Services Inc, Leonard Baier, Kinley Baier, Hannah Ames, Leonard Baier, Jack Baier and Lisa Heidecker.

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