Coronation town council discussed a funding request from the Coronation Library Board at its regular meeting on Jan. 27.
The board requested an additional $8,150 in annual funding to address rising operational costs and new restrictions on using Alberta Gaming, Liquor and Cannabis (AGLC) casino funds for utilities.
The town currently allocates $14,000 annually from the Local Government Fiscal Framework (LGFF) Operating Grant to the library board. The request brings the total to $22,150.
An increase in LGFF funding for 2024 allows for the additional library funding without affecting other budget priorities.
The County of Paintearth has also increased its contribution and committed to supporting future financial needs.
“It’s a very busy place,” noted Deputy Mayor Brett Alderdice.
“They haven’t asked for an increase in many years,” said Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) Quinton Whitfley.
Coun. Mark Stannard agreed, “they have been making due.”
Council approved the funding increase, effective for the 2024 fiscal year.
Session rescheduled
The Community Visioning Session, originally postponed due to facilitator availability, has been rescheduled after council received an email dated Jan. 20 from Alberta Municipal Affairs requesting a date change.
Council moved to postpone the community visioning session until confirmation is received from Municipal Affairs on their availability.
Hearing rescheduled
Public hearings for the Municipal Development Plan and Land Use Bylaw amendments, originally scheduled for Jan. 13, were not held due to a lack of quorum.
Council approved rescheduling the hearings to a later date.
Pro rodeo fundraiser
The Pro Rodeo Association requested a donation for its Valentine’s Day fundraiser to support the 2025 rodeo which has faced challenges due to declining attendance and participation.
The event aims to raise funds to offset costs and sustain the community’s rodeo tradition.
Council approved covering the $450 hall rental fee for the fundraiser.
Cheryl Bowman
Multimedia reporter
ECA Review