Coronation church update

Demolition of the remains of the Sept. 5 fire that burned down the Coronation Evangelical Free Church is almost complete as SK Welding removes the last of the cement basement. ECA Review/J.Webster
Written by ECA Review

Today, two months after the Evangelical Free Church in Coronation was burned to the ground by an arsonist on Sept. 5, the church meets in the Coronation School on Sundays for their weekly worship service, while Pastor Clayton Grice rents office space from Beans and Blossoms Boutique.

The office location in downtown Coronation gives Pastor Grice additional opportunities to visit with folks in a relaxing, informal setting, stated Grice in an interview on Mon. Nov. 6 with the ECA Review.

The burnt church building was surrounded by a fence covered with tarps, while a large excavator removed debris considered to contain small amounts of asbestos before the remainder was dealt with.

Church members are working with the insurance company to compile a list of contents that need to be replaced. This is not an easy task, trying to remember what was in every room.

The Church Board also is discussing what kind of building would best suit them and the community they serve. A new building on one floor makes a lot of sense, giving them not only a place to worship, along with children, youth and seniors ministries, but also as space to meet community needs.

Besides a meeting place for groups it is thought to be a place in emergencies such as power outages for extensive periods of time which occurred up to three days a few years ago during a central Alberta blizzard that put pressure on the local hospital. They would offer their space to seniors and those on oxygen to stay, for example.

Overall, the church wants to find better ways to serve Jesus and the community, in the aftermath of this tragic fire.

Nickolas Guy Fortier (23), charged with the arson of the church, appeared in Coronation Alberta Court of Justice on Fri. Nov. 10 with the judge ordering a psychiatric assessment with his next appearance to be Dec. 8, 2023.

Lane Koster
ECA Review

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ECA Review

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