Dear Editor,
After reading last week’s mail bag page, I feel that this level of discourse needs to be addressed.
We seem to have more and more examples from the American MAGA playbook.
Do we actually want to be as divided as our southern neighbour? Opinions should be stated concisely and facts should be based in truth, not as we perceive facts to be as we wish them to be.
The motive of some of these opinions seems to be to “us” destroying “them” completely. No compromise – just complete annihilation.
Terms are often used without the user really knowing their true meaning. Taking snippets from here and there without the whole context is a classic example of deliberate misinformation. Showing a tail from an elephant and claiming it represents the whole elephant is simply wrong.
Opinions can swerve sometimes to the left, sometimes to the right but should always keep on the road between the guardrails.
Unfortunately more and more opinions give way to their failures with anger management and end up driving in the ditch.
There may be good points to be considered but they often are buried under bluster and dubious “facts”.
I hope that we, in our own little ways, at least try to pull back from the hate speech that fosters a civil war among us. I hope that we can dispense with “us” and “them” and instead just think of “us”.
We used to accept that some of us have quirks about politics, sports and pineapple slices on pizzas and it didn’t raise our blood pressure.
How can we get back to those days?
Larry Gregorwich
Killam, Alta.