Continued delays for new water treatment plant

Forestburg village council

No update has yet been received for the potential commissioning dates for the new water treatment plant, reported CAO Debra Moffatt during the Forestburg village council meeting on Mon. Jan. 4.

Her report also stated that Select Engineering along with Forestburg Transit Mix determined that despite the freezing temperatures, there is enough clean, dry fill to ensure that there will be no damage to the piping and minimal settling come spring in order to proceed with coring into the reservoir and burying the resulting water line.

Unfilled Regional Water Operator position

The Village of Forestburg is still looking for a Regional Water Operator despite having conducted a first founds of interviews.  The job posting has been renewed and the position remains unfilled at this time.

FIP news

Flagstaff Intermunicipal Partnership (FIP) Coordinator Laura Towers has submitted her resignation effective Jan. 15, 2016.

Plans are currently in place to fill the position with existing staff. CAO Debra Moffatt will be taking on the additional duties until April at which time Megan Snider, who is currently on maternity leave, will return to her current role as Assistant Administrator to the Village of Forestburg in addition to her new role of FIP Coordinator.

As a result of the shared role, FIP will be footing the bill for half of Snider’s salary thereby reducing the anticipated property tax increase to one per cent.

Flagstaff County and the Village of Alliance have confirmed they are rescinding their motions to withdraw from FIP.


A comparison budget was also presented to council by CAO Moffatt that showed a 10 per cent increase between the 2011 budgets and 2016 budgets which speaks to an annual budget increase of around two per cent each year.

It was reported that wages have increased by approximately 2.5 to three per cent each year with the overall budget showing around $682,000, approximately 22 per cent of the budget, of the municipal income used for wages and benefits.

Funding requests

Two requests that did not go through the normal application process were made from council for funds.  This prompted discussion from councillors regarding what information should be included from individuals/groups looking to council for fundraising dollars.

These items include a budget which outlines the total cost for the event or project the funds are intended for, as well as all revenue streams and how the specific requested funds will be used.

Restricted access to airport

Restricted access  to the airport for the general public was a subject of discussion amongst council members following an unpaid property tax bill of $5,700 from an individual who currently has personal items in storage at the airport. Access to the airport can be gained by contacting the village office.

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