Consider this the nudge

The nomination deadline for municipal elections in Alberta is Monday, September 23, 2013.  Voters go to the polls on Monday, October 21, 2013 to elect those officials that will guide school boards, town/village councils and counties/special areas for the next four years.

Many dedicated local officials are planning to let their names stand for re-election.  Others have chosen to step down believing that they have contributed and now it’s time for fresh, new ideas.  Others have said they may run again but would be very happy to step away should other citizens come forward to run.

Local governments and school boards need good leaders. They need representation from all walks of life and from a variety of age groups to best represent their constituents.

Too often in rural Alberta candidates get elected by acclamation. Yet, it’s when multiple candidates run, that voters truly get an opportunity to vote for what is important to them.

If you’ve been considering running, but just need a little nudge, consider this the nudge.

The best candidates don’t have any particular agenda besides making their municipality/school district the best it can be for its constituents.

The best candidates listen and value other people’s ideas and don’t always have to get their own way.

The best candidates have a vision and opinions and clearly articulate them. Different ideas and debate make for strong local representation.

The best candidates understand compromise is the name of the game. Budgets are limited and competing interests are many.

The best candidates respect others and are team players.

Elected local government and school board positions can be very interesting and rewarding.  It can also be scary, time-consuming, frustrating and you’re certainly not going to get rich (no Senate perks here). Yet it’s a great opportunity for giving back and growing as an individual and a citizen.

Take the plunge, sign the nomination papers and file them before the September 23 deadline.

Don’t miss your opportunity to shape the future!

About the author

ECA Review

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