Concern raised over cleanup from fire

The recent fire on Delburne’s Main Street March 31 brought a concerned couple to the May 11 council meeting who own property adjacent to the burned-out buildings and they raised several concerns.

Their major concerns focused on public liability, unsafe walls, toxic material and the determination of when the buildings would be demolished.

Mr. and Mrs. Ellis also wondered who is ultimately responsible for the cleanup if the owners have no insurance or money. Does the onus fall on the village?

Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) Karen Fegan explained that if that were the case, the village would pay for the clean up and place the cost onto the owner’s taxes. The cause of the fire has not been made public.

Coun. Jeff Bourne thanked the couple for bringing their concerns to council and will take the matter up with the property owners whose buildings were burned to speed up the process of removal.

In further council matters, the Responsible Pet Ownership Bylaw received third and final reading. Schedule “B” of the bylaw specifies the penalties to be paid for first, second and subsequent offences.

Two examples are: Animal running at large; and failure to remove defecation on public property, fines are $100, $200 and $300.

The Rates of Taxation Bylaw for the 2021 taxation year for the village was given second and third reading. The general municipal tax stayed the same as last year when combining this year’s general municipal and the police funding rates.

The requisitions to be taxed are:

Alberta School Foundation (ASFF) – $232,675

Seniors Foundation – $1,614

Designated industrial Assessment – $108

Police Funding Model – $16,209

The mill rate is broken down as follows:

General Municipal – 26.223 mills

ASFF – 6.3480 mills

Homes for the Aged – 0.0200 mills

Designated Industrial Assessment – 0.0760 mills

Police Funding model – 0.1920 mills

Council also received the 2020 Financial Statement from the Gitzel and Company Accounting Firm.

The total financial statement will be made available electronically on the Village of Delburne website.

The village-wide garage sale which has been held in June annually was discussed and decision was made to postpone the sale to the fall of this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic.



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ECA Review

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