County of Paintearth CAO Tarolyn Peach said that a new sign reading, “No commercial trucks over one tonne” was going to be posted by the County of Paintearth access road before the day was out.
During their regular meeting on Tues., Feb. 23 Peach said there have been problems with commercial trucks avoiding the nearby weigh station and using the road near the county office when it wasn’t designed to accommodate such heavily loaded trucks.
“That is why the road hasn’t been paved,” she said.
Peach also said that the problem was not local guys hauling grain or stock trailers and trucks but rather the close to 150 commercial trucks a day that passed by their office.
Traffic needs to be routed to Hwy# 36
Development permits
Todd Pawsey, Paintearth County Development and Community Services Officer presented council with seven development permits for 2016 so far,at their regular meeting on Tues., Feb. 23, 2016.
Pawsey also reported that he had met with the Capital Power project heads to discuss their plans for potential new windfarm development in the county.
Discussion points included the previous construction impacts, road agreements, lease construction standards, potential new setback requirements and their opinions on such items as staging and concrete plant sites.
He stated Capital Power will be putting up a fourth met tower to join the three previously approved, and be expecting to see that development permit application in March.
Huber Dam
Council received an update on the Huber Dam’s plans for the upcoming 2016 season. There are plans to build more maintenance free picnic tables as well as five new camping stalls with power west of the playground equipment and planting trees around the new stalls in 2017.
There are also plans to install a couple of trail cameras and lights around the money box for better security.
New maintenance free garbage stands and some fresh sand for the playground are also planned
Public Works report
Public Works Director Bryce Cooke reported that Brockhoff Enterprise Ltd. has started crushing as of Feb. 17 with plans to start hauling the following week.
Contract mulching and county mulching is continuing.
Cooke also reported that by the end of February they will finish hauling ¾ inch from Kelts to Smith stockpile site which will give the county around 35,000 yards piled at Smith’s.
Burning brush has been put on hold due to the lack snow. A crew will start cutting down dead trees in Burma Park while another crew will cut large trees behind county mulcher and fire wood by Kevin Hampton’s.