A matter originally meant for private council conversation was brought into public light at Hanna’s regular council meeting on Tues. April 13.
A complaint was received from Hanna resident Terry Johnston about Coun. Kyle Olsen’s online presence.
She requested council that he step down from his role as councillor and have council review the Council Code of Conduct as well.
“I feel that when you run for municipal office you can reasonably be expected to behave in a respectable manner in person and online.
“Mr. Olsen repeatedly has failed to uphold his responsibility in this regard. It is bad enough that there is a bullying problem in this community, but when a town councillor actively participates in the bullying, things need to change.
“I would request that all councillors review the Code of Conduct for councillors and that Mr. Olsen in particular be reminded of his responsibilities to this community.
“Bullying a taxpaying member of this community and his family must not be tolerated ever. If Mr. Olsen cannot control his impulse to bully he should resign as councillor,” her email concluded.
Administration deemed the complainant did not provide any evidence of bullying or that Coun. Olsen acted in bad faith within this letter ‘other than their subjective opinion stated’.
With that in mind, administration recommended that as per the request in the complaint, all members of council review the Code of Conduct Bylaw again and further recommends that this matter be closed at this time.
They will contact Johnston of their decision.
Council agreed to this motion.
Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) Kim Neill added that with this coming to council, it serves as a reminder to check what is being put on social media and be careful what they say.
Coun. Olsen said, “I don’t take Facebook too seriously. I haven’t spoken with this person in any way in person or online.”
He added that Johnston did teach him in junior high years ago.
Terri Huxley
ECA Review