Code of Conduct Bylaw

The Municipal Government Act (MGA) has stipulated that all communities develop a Code of Conduct Bylaw. This Bylaw is to establish a code of conduct that governs the conduct of councillors.

Councillors Connie Beringer and Roger Gaetzman will work with the town adminstrators to establish the bylaw. In implementing the bylaw certain topics must be addressed.

The following will be considered: how the councillors represent their municipality, communications on behalf of the municipality, respecting decision-making processes, adherence to policies, procedures and bylaws, respectful interactions with councillors, staff, the public and others, promote public trust by being confidential with information, improper use of influence, use of municipal assets and services, conflict of interests and promote leadership by accessing training opportunities.

Hardisty Arena Project

Ace Shot Carpentry Ltd. Has been awarded the Hardisty Renovation Project. The project will be completed for the price of $346,500 plus a 15% contingency fee of $51,975 for a total cost of $398,475.

It is anticipated that when the project is 100 per cent complete the Ag Society will forward funding for the cost of the contract and engineering costs to the Town of Hardisty. September 15, 2018 is the expected time of completion.

Hardisty Public Library Board

Council approved the Hardisty Public Library Board (HPLB) 2018 Budget and will be giving the library their requested grant of $6,370.  This grant works out to be $11.50 per person based on a population of 554.

This grant money will be used toward fulfilling the Vision Statement of the HPLB which is to serve the citizens of Hardisty and area by providing a location where literacy is nurtured, and everyone is encouraged to find the joy of discovery, reading, and lifelong learning.

Councillor Reports

Councillor Beringer had positive comments to make about the T.R. (Tessa-Rae Reid) Dance Troupe from Hardisty on their successful week in Oliver, British Columbia. The group received all but one of the top awards at the whole show.

“It was amazing, and the kids had a blast.” stated Councillor Beringer when describing the week of dancing.


Lisa Buy

ECA Review

About the author

ECA Review

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