Clive fire department responded to 29 calls in Lacombe County in 2017. This is down from 52 in 2016.
Clive Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) Carla Kenney said in her report to Clive council June 26.
They are broken down as: Alarms – 7; aircraft emergency – 1; motor vehicle collisions – 5; structure fire – 1; outside fires – 6; electrical hazmat – 1; mutual aid – 7.
Clive updates bylaws
Clive is reviewing its out dated bylaws that deal with its public hearings, council inquiries and responses.
During Village of Clive’s regular meeting June 26 council started reviewing the procedural bylaw that was adopted in 1995.
The bylaw’s purpose is to give a standard and clear format for media, administration and the public to help everyone understand council’s decision-making process of neutrality, equality, fairness and democracy, CAO Kenney said in her report.
Council set its summer meeting dates as July 17 and August 21. Their regular meeting schedule will continue in September.
Tees Hall grand opening
Tees Ag Society celebrated the grand opening of its hall after renovations and the Canada 150 on June 8 with Lacombe-Ponoka MLA Ron Orr and Lacombe County Coun. Brenda Knight attending.
The event included a Farmer’s Day Games, a free barbecue put on by Tees Ag Society and Lacombe County followed by a ribbon cutting ceremony of the renovated hall.
According to Nicole Plewis, Communications Coordinator for Lacombe County, the county contributed $82,937 towards the Tees Hall upgrades.
“This project is an example of the strength of community and volunteers,” said Lacombe County Coun. Brenda Knight.
“The upgrade on the hall will enable it to serve the area for many years. It is a priceless resource to the area providing an attractive modern venue for weddings, funerals, reunions etc..
“In addition to being a wonderful facility, it is a huge source of community pride. A job so well done.”