Clive council passes fire protection bylaw

Clive village council approved second and third reading of their updated fire protection bylaw at the regular council meeting March 22.

Councillors previously approved first reading of the revised Bylaw #546-21, then publicly advertised it for comment from residents. There were no comments submitted.

During initial discussions, councillors commented on requirements for residential fire pits, specifically the detail that fire pits must have a metal grate covering. 

As was mentioned in the discussion, if such a requirement was in the bylaw, all residents, including councillors, would be expected to follow the requirement, and if it wasn’t followed, violation would be occurring.

Healthy outcomes

During her regular report to council, Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) Carla Kenney noted she and Mayor Luci Henry recently attended a meeting on March 9 for the Bashaw & District Support Services to discuss the Bashaw Regional Health Initiative (Bashaw Community Wellness). 

Kenney stated in her report the group came about due to noticeable need (crime stats, food bank, school problems) and it was recognized that the different agencies (RCMP, School, Health, FCSS) were disconnected.

“The regional health initiative provides a space for the team of wellness workers via signed confidentially agreements to get people to a better place,” stated Kenney. 

“It is suggested to start small in Clive with a ‘discovery meeting’ to bring agency representatives together to discuss services, what’s needed and what’s being duplicated and inform Clive residents of the services available via the Alix and Bashaw Community Wellness,” said Kenney.

Getting involved

The CAO reported on a course village staff took on getting the public involved. 

“Maximizing Public Participation Innovative Practices for Collecting Public Input” was offered March 17.

“Use plain language,” stated the CAO’s summary. “If residents have no idea what we are talking about they are not going to participate and give feedback.

“If we want to introduce something new, do it at an event like FunFest or host an event where you give out something for free. 

“If you host an event, make sure you have childcare available for residents so more will come.

“Ask people how they want to be addressed for their information, have a ‘how can we improve’ on the bottom of our surveys.

“If we want maximum participation which means input from our residents, we must do everything it takes to reach them. 

“We also must let people know why we want their input and what we are doing with their input. 

“Also covered was information about engaging with the indigenous community.”

MOST funds

Councillors were updated on the Municipal Operating Support Transfer (MOST), a provincial government grant program offered to municipalities to offset expenses or lost revenue due to COVID-19. 

Clive council, like many councils in the region, have made MOST funds available to organizations in the community with a deadline of March 31.

CAO Kenney noted two groups, the Clive Minor Hockey Association and Morton Historical Centre, haven’t supplied all of the documentation necessary in order to receive their entire claim.

Kenney noted Clive was eligible for about $77,000 in MOST funds, and all but about $500 was spoken for. 

Councillors discussed the possibility of allowing MOST funds to help cover a large water bill incurred by the community hall board, but that was defeated in a vote.

Councillors unanimously agreed to use the remaining Clive MOST funds to purchase COVID-19 barriers for the village office.

Police force survey

Councillors gave their responses to a police force survey. 

Councillors stated their priorities for policing included police costing/funding, service levels and prolific offender management.


Stu Salkeld, Local Journalism Initiative reporter

ECA Review

About the author

Stu Salkeld

Stu Salkeld, who has upwards of 28 years of experience in the Alberta community newspaper industry, is now covering councils and other news in the Stettler region and has experience working in the area as well.

He has joined the ECA Review as a Local Journalism Initiative Journalist.

Stu earned his two-year diploma in print journalism from SAIT in Calgary from 1993 to ’95 and was raised in Oyen, Alta., one of the communities within the ECA Review’s coverage area.