Clive village council, keeping in mind substantial assessment growth for residents, kept their property tax rate static for 2024. Councillors passed their 2024 tax rate bylaw at the regular council meeting May 29.
Village Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) Carla Kenney presented the 2024 tax rate bylaw to councillors, providing them with a chart illustrating the bylaw’s key points: property values in the village, or assessment, climbed 5.6 per cent in one year, resulting in an average residential home in Clive seeing an assessed value of $233,408.
Councillors previously agreed to reduce the combined residential tax rate by half a per cent.
Essentially, Clive residential property owners may see their tax bills go up but that will be primarily due to an increase in the value of their property.
During discussion councillors also discussed provincial requisitions, taxes and other fees that are placed on property tax notices, including education.
The CAO noted a four per cent fee the provincial government places on property taxes for “policing,” noting municipalities aren’t allowed by the provincial government to refer to the fee as a requisition or tax.
Councillors unanimously approved the tax rate bylaw.
Controversial bill
Councillors read a letter from Minister of Municipal Affairs Ric McIvor regarding revisions to controversial Bill 20, which proposes changes to the way local government is run.
Changes include the introduction of political parties to local politics, the removal of elected councillors by private UCP cabinet decree and the quashing of local bylaws by the UCP cabinet.
During discussion councillors noted surveys have shown about 70 per cent of Albertans are opposed to political parties being active on local councils; they noted McIvor’s letter referred to public consultation on Bill 20 changes.
Mayor Luci Henry acknowledged McIvor’s letter but also noted she hadn’t heard from municipal lobby group Alberta Municipalities (AM) on how that organization sees McIvor’s revisions; AM previously spoke against Bill 20, claiming it gave the UCP cabinet unaccountability and over-reached into municipal areas.
It was noted the local constituency was hosting a town hall meeting May 30 regarding Bill 20 and Clive authorized one councillor to attend.
Councillors accepted McIvor’s letter as information.
RCMP report
Councillors perused the Blackfalds RCMP detachment regular incident report for May 14 to May 20. It was noted that on May 14 police received a complaint that a vehicle in Lacombe County had been tampered with. It appeared someone had attempted to steal the vehicle from a rural residence.
The CAO also noted that the detachment has a new commander, S/Sgt. Andrew Fallen, who visited the Village of Clive office and introduced himself. The new staff sergeant stated he wanted to become better acquainted with communities in the detachment area.
Pet patrol
Kenney noted the village sent reminder letters to 28 pet owners who hadn’t renewed their tags; she added, however, some responded that their pet passed away.
The village also received one complaint about a barking dog which was forwarded to the animal control contractor.
Trash patrol
The CAO reported a complaint about private property damage against garbage contractor E360. It was also noted a complaint that E360 missed one garbage pick-up; apparently, the contractor returned and picked up the trash later.
Road patrol
The Public Works department reported much activity in the warming weather, including the start of crack-filling May 27. it was noted the RV sewer dump opened May 8 and concession bathrooms opened May 22.
Kenney reported street sweeping conducted by contractor APL Services May 23.
Coun. Sarah Fahey stated a group of Clive youth had an educational encounter with the street-sweeper; apparently the contractor showed the kids how the street sweeper operates and completes its work.
Stu Salkeld
Local Journalism Initiative reporter
ECA Review