Much needed road work in Clive on the 49 Ave. / 52 St. project is closer to getting done after Village of Clive proceeded with a borrowing bylaw enabling the village to borrow $185,000.
Council, during its regular meeting April 24, gave first and second reading to the bylaw.
Clive Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) Carla Kenney said the village wants to “take advantage of the current favourable construction rates.”
The village will pay off the loan after they receive capital grants from the province next year.
Council approves 2016 financial statements
Clive council also approved the village’s 2016 financial statements. They show that the village has an accumulated surplus of $5.9 million. Of that surplus, $745,000 is restricted surplus.
The village’s revenue in 2016 was $1.1 million and their expenses were about $1.3 million.
The financial statements disclosed municipal officials and and designated officers’ salary and benefits.
The combined salary, benefits and allowances are as follows: Mayor A. Gillard – $10,680; Coun. L. Henry – $6,017; Coun. B. Krochak – $5,980; Coun. D. Graden – $4,123; Coun. M. Wieler – $2,199; and CAO C. Kenney – $93,139.
Camping fees waived for event
Clive council waived the camping fees at the village’s campground for the Clive Country Gospel Weekend May 5 – 7. They also approved RV’s to be parked on 5100 Railway Ave. with owner’s permission.
“Council was advised that the Baptist Church is planning for 800 people to be attending this event over the three-day period (250 on Friday, 300 on Saturday and 250 Sunday) and up to 50 RV units requiring overnight parking,” said CAO Kenney.
Village works on Code of Conduct
Council provided input on a proposed Code of Conduct so that administration could prepare a draft for council’s consideration.
CAO Kenney said the Code of Conduct will include: Statement of Values, respect for the decision-making process, communication protocol, conduct respecting administration, confidentiality, conflict of interest, election campaigns, expenses and gifts and hospitality.
The code will outline the procedure for dealing with a Code of Conduct complaint and provide a number of sanctions that council can use to enforce any breaches of the code.