Clive approves its updated land use bylaw

Village of Clive approved its updated and revised Land Use Bylaw.
The revised bylaw addressed what accessory buildings are allowed in residential areas, types of development permitted in the village, derelict vehicles, the use of shipping containers and rezoning 4803 – 47 Ave. from urban reserve to residential small holdings.
During its regular meeting Feb. 13, Clive council gave second, as well as third and final reading to the bylaw.
Before approving the bylaw, Coun. Marvin Wieler made a motion to have the definition “derelict vehicle” as a vehicle not validly registered be removed from the updated land use bylaw.
During a January public hearing at the village for the bylaw, with about six residents attending, some residents told council they were in favour of allowing unregistered vehicles on properties as long as they were neat and tidy and that many people can’t afford to register all of their vehicles at the same time.
Council previously discussed redefining the definition of derelict vehicles.

49th Avenue project

Village of council discussed the scope of the 49th Avenue and 52 St. project. The existing sidewalk along 49 St. will be replaced and 52 St. will be widened for an asphalt sidewalk.

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